Time: 2020/6/12-13 8:10-17:10
Location: Lecture hall, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University
Death is something that humans must face throughout their lives. Different ethnic groups, cultures and religions have similarities and differences in their attitudes towards death and the way they deal with it. The treatment of death is not only related to the deceased and the things that have passed away, but is actually more about the expectations, adaptations, understanding and emotions of the living. The plot of death also appears in many texts (including novels, dramas, films and photographic records). Therefore, death is an important research topic in the humanities. Research topics derived from different professional fields include funeral history, life rituals, religious views on death, literary criticism and text analysis, etc., all of which enrich the research horizons in the humanities field. The workshop mainly discusses death-related research issues from the perspectives of history, archaeology, religion and sociology of language. Courses are taught in the form of lectures and discussions. We hope that students will be exposed to the theories and methods of studying death issues in different fields of the humanities through the course, and stimulate cross-field ideas and creativity.
8:00-8:10 Register
8:10-9:00 Introduction
9:10-10:00 Richard Chuang(Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University),「台灣史前社會的夭折處理」
10:10-11:00 Kuo-Feng Chung(Associate Professor, Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University),「祭壺、死亡、靈魂:阿美族Lidaw社喪葬禮俗的民族考古學視野」
11:10-12:00 Chung-Ching Shiung(Assistant Professor, Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University),「印尼東部金屬器時代的喪葬文化變遷」
12:00-13:10 Watching Film
13:10-14:00 Chi-Chang Lee(Associate Professor, History Department, National Cheng Kung University),「從大化革新看日本墓葬的變化」
14:10-15:00 Hung Bin Hsu(Associate Professor, History Department, National Cheng Kung University),「從住家到醫院:台灣日治時期死亡場所的演變」
15:10-16:00 Chung-Cheng Tu(Assistant Professor, History Department, National Cheng Kung University),「宮車宴駕:唐代皇帝的死亡場景」
16:10-17:10 Chang-Kuan Lin, Chung-Ching Shiung: Q & A
8:00-8:10 Register
8:10-9:00 Uma Talavan(Expert),「越過死亡幽谷,光照西拉雅語」
9:10-10:00 Shaw Jong(Expert),「天主教基督徒生死觀」
10:10-11:00 Shiing-Shen Chen(Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, National Open University),「由臺灣儀式僧香花佛事談生死的救濟與超脫」
11:10-12:00 Jen-Chien Lin (PhD Candidate, National Chengchi University),「新舊約中的死亡觀比較」
12:00-13:10 Watching Film
13:10-14:00 Le-kun Tan(Professor, Department of Taiwanese Literature),「外籍新娘死亡,新移民再生:歸化的不歸路」
14:10-15:00 Hak-khiam Tiun(Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature),「台灣語言的死亡與復振」
15:10-16:00 Watching Film
16:10-17:10 Chang-Kuan Lin, Chung-Ching Shiung: Q & A